How to Edit Student Names

Is a student's name incorrect in Education Modified? Fixing it is simple. 

Step 1: Navigate to In-App Rostering

  1. In the upper-right-hand corner of the screen, click on the blue circular "Author Stamp" with your initials. 
  2. In the menu that appears, click "Settings". 
  3. Click "Rostering" in the top menu of the Settings page which loads. 

Important Note: If you do not see the 'Rostering' option on your settings page, you may not have permissions to access this feature. Please contact to get set up properly.

Step 2: Find the Correct Student

The easiest way to find a specific student is to search for them by name. 

  1. Ensure that 'All' is selected in the left-hand menu. This will allow you to search through All students, rather than only students in a specific course. 
  2. Ensure that 'Students' is selected in the Member List header. This will allow you to search through students rather than staff members. 
  3. Click the Search Icon in the upper right-hand corner of the Member List Header. 
  4. Start to type the student's name. 
  5. As you type, the list will filter itself to only students who match the name you type. 
  6. When you see the student you are looking for, click their row to expand it. 

Step 3: Edit any Information

  1. After expanding the correct student, you can edit their First Name and Last Name. 
  2. Once your changes are made, click 'Save'.

And that's it! If you need to make changes for multiple students you can repeat steps 2-3. Or if there are multiple changes needed in one course, it might be quicker to navigate to that course and simply click on any students who need edits. 

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