How to Edit Student Names
Is a student's name incorrect in Education Modified? Fixing it is simple.
Step 1: Navigate to In-App Rostering
- In the upper-right-hand corner of the screen, click on the blue circular "Author Stamp" with your initials.
- In the menu that appears, click "Settings".
- Click "Rostering" in the top menu of the Settings page which loads.
Important Note: If you do not see the 'Rostering' option on your settings page, you may not have permissions to access this feature. Please contact to get set up properly.
Step 2: Find the Correct Student
The easiest way to find a specific student is to search for them by name.
- Ensure that 'All' is selected in the left-hand menu. This will allow you to search through All students, rather than only students in a specific course.
- Ensure that 'Students' is selected in the Member List header. This will allow you to search through students rather than staff members.
- Click the Search Icon in the upper right-hand corner of the Member List Header.
- Start to type the student's name.
- As you type, the list will filter itself to only students who match the name you type.
- When you see the student you are looking for, click their row to expand it.
Step 3: Edit any Information
- After expanding the correct student, you can edit their First Name and Last Name.
- Once your changes are made, click 'Save'.
And that's it! If you need to make changes for multiple students you can repeat steps 2-3. Or if there are multiple changes needed in one course, it might be quicker to navigate to that course and simply click on any students who need edits.