Why am I Seeing Parent and Teacher Names? (Schoology)

This is a frustrating byproduct of how Education Modified has to pull rostering information from Schoology. You can read the full breakdown of how that happens here.

The short version is that when EdMod pulls a list of members for a course or group from Schoology, we are only told whether a member is an admin or non-admin member of that group. We are not told whether the member is a student, teacher or parent. 

Therefore, when loading the members of a course or group, we have no way of distinguishing between teachers, parents and students within the list of non-admin members. 

So, if you are an admin of a course or group in Schoology that contains non-admin members who are parents or teachers (for example a training course or parent contact group) they will appear in EdMod. 

There is nothing Education Modified can automatically do about this at this time, we have asked Schoology to make a change to how they send us information, but no action has yet been taken. 

However, we can exclude specific Courses or Groups from our roster syncing process, which would prevent those members from being added to Education Modified. 

All we need is a list of Course and Group titles that you would like to exclude from the roster sync. (With titles appearing exactly as they do in Schoology.) Send those along and we can add them to our exclusion list. On the next roster sync, those courses and groups will be ignored and the parent and teacher names should disappear from Education Modified. 

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