Roster: How Rostering Works (Canvas)


The rostering process begins when you click the “Authorize” button after accessing the Education Modified App in Canvas. By clicking that button, you give Education Modified the ability to access data from Canvas on your behalf. For security reasons, this approval expires after one hour. 

With your authorization, EdMod can start accessing data on your behalf. This is how we pull in rostering information. 

How Rosters are Pulled

First, EdMod pulls the list of all Active, Published courses for which you are enrolled as Teacher, TA or Observer within Canvas. These courses are visually seen within Canvas on the All Courses Page.  

Second, for each of these courses, EdMod pulls All Student Members of that course and creates a student record for each of them. 

Important Note: Canvas only informs Education Modified about the role each member is listed as in each course, not their overall role in Canvas. So if a teacher or parent is enrolled as a student in one of your courses, they will appear as a student in EdMod. 

How it Appears in Education Modified

The result of this process is your Student Information view where you can Filter Students in EdMod. You will be able to filter by course & group or tick the "All" box to see your entire roster.

Within each Course, there will be a student profile created for each Student Member of that Course in Canvas. 

Finally, you are able to click into a student's profile by either searching for the student's name or clicking on the student's name in your filtered view

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